Breaking Barriers and Bridging Gaps
Learn Practical Digital and Technical Skills in the language you understand.
Trained Professionals
since 2019
since 2019
Courses Offered
in Hausa & English languages
in Hausa & English languages

Proud to be Trusted by
We are proud to have earned the trust of reputable partners.

Courses We Offer
We offer a variety of courses to suit your needs. Choose the course that best fits your interest.
Building Installation Skills
NGN 40,000
5 weeks
CCTV Installation
Computer Networking
Solar Power System
Electric Fencing
Electric Wiring Installation
Satellite TV Installation
Smartphone and Personal Computer Exploration
NGN 40,000
5 weeks
Basic ICT Skills
Exploring Smartphone Applications
Exploring PC Applications
Understanding the Internet
Mobile Security & Information Searching
Digital Literacy Skill Up
NGN 40,000
5 weeks
Graphics Design
Digital Marketing
Web/Android Development
Professional Phone Repairs
NGN 40,000
5 weeks
Basic Electronics
Smartphone Hardware Repairs
Smartphone Software Repairs
Advanced Smartphone Repairs
NGN 40,000
5 weeks
Advanced Smartphone Repairs
Computer Repairs
NGN 40,000
5 weeks
Hardware Maintenance
Software Maintenance
Catch Them Young
NGN 25,000
4 weeks
Graphics Design
Creativity and Innovation
What People Say
Discover what professionals say about Engausahub.

Inye Kemabonta
ICT Attorney, a public speaker
The science of cognition fully supports the ENGAUSA initiative. In my opinion, it is the way Nigeria and all of Africa must go. The benefits would be phenomenal, and national development would be sustainable. You have really blazed a trail. Please keep it up.

Dr. Hauwa Muhammad Bugaje
Dept. of African Languages and Cultures ABU
We thank almighty Allah for blessing us with people like Dr. Mustapha Habu Ringim. I am an eyewitness of the milestone achievement made by Engausa Hub in promoting digital literacy and innovation in Hausa language. The main aim of Engausa Hub is to train our youth especially less privilege in skill acquisition and empowerment. The success made by the Company is an outstanding one, and it shows that we can only develop if we train our youth with skills and self reliant. The easiest way to do that is through introducing science and technology to our door steps. I hope to see more branches of Engausa Hub Nationwide.

Engr. Dr. Binta Usman
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, BUK
It is not surprising that ENGAUSA GLOBAL TECH HUB(EGTH) has come this far, because there is behind it a disciplined and focused personnel who has been an avid promoter of Qualitative STEM Education to all especially the down trodden. He figured out that learning using mother tongue has been the most successful way to achieve Qualitative Science Education, thus the birth of EGTH. Skills acquisition and Empowering the youth is paramount and the backbone towards developing any nation, so the hub set out to achieve that as its objectives. This Tech Hub one of its kind and developing at a fast rate, it is my believe they will soon stand out. Wishing you Allah’s wisdom in all future ramifications.

Prof. Ahmad Baita Garko
Dean, Faculty of Computing, FUD
I have been hearing about the ENGAUSA GLOBAL TECH HUB for a very long time prior to my physical meeting with its CEO sometimes in March, 2022 during a lecture series tagged Startup Jigawa organized by some young IT professionals of Jigawa State extraction. I knew Engr Mustapha Habu Ringim and his capability in ICT for a long time, therefore, I was not surprised with the level of achievements the hub has recorded in the areas of ICT capacity building for our teeming youths in this part of the country. I believe teaching our young ones in our native languages will go a long way in developing our nation as is obtained in many developed countries like China, Russia, Gernany, etc. I hope our political leaders especially from the Hausa speaking states will partner with this Hub in training as many youths from their states as possible in order to reduce the alarming rate of youth unemployment in our societies thereby curbing the menace of insecurity and other forms of criminalities.

Dr. Bashir G. Mukhtar
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, FUD
Engausa hub is quite revolutionary, we’ve witnessed increased expansion of opportunities for the youth and even destitute or almajiris. We have heard inspirational success stories of Almajiris becoming mobile repairers, programmers etc, things one wouldn’t imagine in this country. As a promoter of entrepreneurship in agriculture I am impressed with the achievement of Engausa and we are looking forward to partnering with the intent of testing the model in agripreneurship. Engausa hub is a door opener of opportunities for the youth, the downtrodden and general populace!
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